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Home Energy Performance Certification

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    Energy Performance Certification


    Energy performance certificates (EPCs) are an important instrument to indicate the energy rating and consumption of buildings. Following the success, they had in European market, they became mandatory by law and were introduced in Albania for the first time in the beginning of year 2020. They are required when buildings are built, sold or rented.


    Mono Energy has been one of the first companies to provide the service of Energy Performance Certificating to the building sector in Albania. Our licensed Energy Auditors provide this service with integrity, cost effectiveness and in the shortest possible time. We evaluate the energy ratting of the building in both design phase and also after it is constructed in compliance with all local regulation. When the whole process is finalized the costumer is aware of its energy usages and how his building or apartment stands compared with what is considered an energy efficient building.


    In the case of Albania most of the costumers are not satisfied with the result (especially in the case of existing buildings) and for these occasions we bring out our detective mode on and provide full detailed energy audits to track all the energy leaks and wastages along with identifying the most suitable and cost-effective energy efficiency measures in order that with the least intervention the costumer can achieve lower energy bills while improving its comfort.